Category Archives: Antagonists

A Dangerous Foe: Pianova di Triosso

Wherein your humble scribe presents a Barbarians of Lemuria villain he put together on a whim, for use in his own (highly-derivative) Kaalmuria setting.

Pianova Triosso is a powerful sorceress who makes her home in the Orecchi District of the City of Secrets. She is quite ill-disposed to men, seeing them as little more than chattel to be used to their best ends by women. Pianova seeks to use her arcane powers to overthrow the patriarchy that dominates Liria in favor of a new, women-centric government and will happily destroy any man who stands against her in this mission. She is exceptionally militant about her beliefs and sees any woman who does not stand firm against the barbaric animals called males as a collaborator who is scarcely better than a man (and no more deserving of pity).

Pianova is actively seeking out several artifacts she needs to cast some of her more aggressive incantations and heroes operating in Liria will quite likely run into her machinations at some point. The sorceress employs a number of spies and agents throughout the city’s taverns and inns, and little happens in Liria that she is not aware of.

Lifeblood 10
Arcane Power 15
Villain Points 5

Strength 0
Agility 2
Mind 2
Appeal 2

Brawl 1
Melee 1
Ranged 1
Defense 3

Sorcerer 3
Sage 1
Assassin 2
Serving Wench 0

Quick Recovery
Power of the Void

City Dweller
Distrust of Men

Lirian, Sorceric, Kellic, Thaxian

Lirian Kris, d6-2

LL/RoCC Antagonist: The Sorcerer Rl’itaago

Wherein your humble scribe presents an antagonist for use with Labyrinth Lord and the brand new Realms of Crawling Chaos. Two appropriately Lovecraftian artifacts are included below. Both are the result of rolling on the Random Artifact Tables contained within RoCC, which I believe is Open Game Content and can be published here. I mention this mostly so that the mighty Dan Proctor gets proper credit.

The transformation of the sorcerer Rl’itaago into the Deep One he is destined to become is nearly complete, and his appearance testifies to this. Once a handsome young man, he now has “the Look” – he is hairless, hunched, and shambling, with spindly, webbed fingers and toes and unblinking, membrane-covered eyes. To avoid undue suspicion he hides in his room at the Yellow King Inn during daylight hours and moves about the great city of Khaarm only by night, cloaked and wrapped in heavy robes.

Rl’itaago is obsessed with the nature of the cosmos and seeks to learn as much as he can from the land dwellers before his eventual exodus to the sea. Any who visit Khaarm with artifacts of the Old Ones or who boast too loudly of exploits wherein they might have gained knowledge of the sort that Rl’itaago seeks will shortly find themselves a target for his attentions.

Over the course of his descent into inhumanity, Rl’itaago has come into possession of two hideous and powerful artifacts created by alien hands in ancient times: The Candle of Yshkor and the Pendant of the Steloloi. These items are described below.

Rl’itaago / Sea Blood Magic-User 5 Neutral Evil
STR 13 INT 17 WIS 7 DEX 13 CON 11 CHR 10
HP 18 AC 4 Gold 39
+1 Dagger of Venom, Bracers of Armor (AC 5), Candle of Yshkor, Pendant of the Steloloi

Magic-User Spells:
1st Level
Charm Person*, Comprehend Languages, Identify, Read Languages, Read Magic, Scribe, Sleep*, Unseen Servant*, Ventriloquism*

2nd Level
Amnesia, Auditory Illusion*, Phantasmal Force*, Powder of Ibn Ghazi, Ray of Enfeeblement*, Strength*

3rd Level
Dispel Magic, Hideous Graft*, Hold Person, Suggestion, Summon Night Beast*

Spells marked with an asterisk are the ones that Rl’itaago normally keeps in memory. The other spells are kept within his grimoire for use when needed.

Candle of Yshkor

Though this blood red candle burns slowly, it is close to halfway spent. When the candle is burning its owner may alter the passage of time, avoiding the effects of the previous combat round as though they did not happen. There is a 1 in 6 chance that the power of the Candle forces the combatants to relieve the round, resulting in twice as much damage as they suffered. 7 uses remain in the Candle of Yshkor. Whether an intentional effect or simply a twisted characteristic of its eldritch creation, all foods and liquids in close proximity to the Candle spoil instantly.

Pendant of the Steloloi

This wearer of this sickly green stone may drain life levels from opponents as Wight, but must make a save vs. Death or permanently lose one point of CON each time the power is employed. The Pendant of the Steloloi constantly whispers with a sibilant, indecipherable voice when worn.

A Dangerous Foe: Chalchiquahchimal

Somewhere in the world lies the lost valley of Tlactoztlan. The strange natives of this hidden place practice human sacrifice, pray to bizarre gods, adorn themselves with brightly-colored feathers, and – it is rumored – live in cities made of gold. Only the bravest and luckiest adventurers find their way to Tlactoztlan!

A respected general in the army of King Cuhuitlazcaltiacapan, Chalchiquahchimal serves with pride and honor, bringing great glory to Tlactoztlan. As commander of an elite cadre of Eagle Knights, Chalchiquahchimal drives his men to their limits of endurance, leading by example and fearing no foe. Honored with the Jade Eagle Shield by the King for his efforts against an invading outlander army, Chalchiquahchimal is, outwardly, the model of of a perfect soldier. But looks can be deceiving…

During that great conflict Chalchiquahchimal came into possession of a number of outlander texts, which he deciphered with the help of a prisoner he (mostly) spared from torture. These writings opened the general’s eyes to different visions of the world and through them he came to view the ruling class with disdain. In short order Chalchiquahchimal began to develop a vision for Tlactoztlan wherein the warrior caste, lead by his own hand, would rise up and take control of the country, enforcing order and discipline on the decadent people of the lost valley and, eventually, traveling forth to conquer the outlanders themselves. Though he keeps his contempt in check, Chalchiquahchimal becomes bolder and more open in his attempts to wrestle power from the King with each passing season.

Like all Coztli (the warriors of Tlactoztlan), Chalchiquahchimal wears a headdress comprised of yellow parrot feathers, with his own right-of-passage blood red Quetzalcoatl feather at the center.

Lifeblood 15
Villain Points 5

Strength 3
Agility 2
Mind 1
Appeal 2

Brawl 2
Melee 3
Ranged 0
Defense 2

Warrior 3
Soldier 3
Torturer 1
Scholar 1

Strength Feat
Keen Eyesight

Distrust of Sorcery

Tlacuatl, Outlander

Macuahuitl (obsidian-toothed wooden sword), 1d6+4 (-1 to hit)
Fist, 1d2+3
Ichcahuipilli (quilted cotton armor) & Jade Eagle Shield, d6

A Dangerous Foe: Nezatl Xomec

Somewhere in the world lies the lost valley of Tlactoztlan. The strange natives of this hidden place practice human sacrifice, pray to bizarre gods, adorn themselves with brightly-colored feathers, and – it is rumored – live in cities made of gold. Only the bravest and luckiest adventurers find their way to Tlactoztlan!

In his hidden lair deep beneath the city of Xotepeclan, the sorcerer Nezatl Xomec patiently waits, like a malignant spider, weaving his plans of deceit and corruption with steely purpose and twisted, maniacal glee. The sorcerer has been a bane to the people of Tlactoztlan for more than 100 summers. Despite his great magical prowess, Nezatl Xomec is physically frail as a result of his great age and his obsession with the darkest magics.

In his pursuit of power Nezatl Xomec has entered into a pact with Mictlantecuhtli, a demon that rules over the lowest levels of hell. In exchange for his incredibly long life and the skills that he has developed as a sorcerer, Nezatl Xomec must supply Mictlantecuhtli with a steady stream of sacrifices. Further, Nezatl Xomec must consume the flesh and organs of these sacrifices on a regular basis or else he will falter and finally fall into complete decrepitude.

As if this weren’t enough, Mictlantecuhtli has cursed the sorcerer with a strange recurring malady – at the eleventh hour of every day, the flesh of Nezatl Xomec’s head melts away, leaving him with just a hideous bare skull until the twelfth hour arrives. It is frequently during this hour that Nezatl Xomec performs his sacrifices, as Mictlantecuhtli delights in souls that pass into his realm already filled with terror.

Nezatl Xomec is a master of many spells, but perhaps more terrifying is his willingness and ability to summon forth terrible demons to terrorize his foes and do the things that he himself is no longer physically capable of.

Like all Izatacli (the sorcerers of Tlactoztlan), Nezatl Xomec wears a headdress comprised of white parrot feathers, with his own right-of-passage emerald Quetzalcoatl feather at the center.

Lifeblood 7
Arcane Power 17
Villain Points 5

Strength -1
Agility 1
Mind 4
Appeal 0

Brawl 0
Melee 0
Ranged 2
Defense 2

Sorcerer 5
Scholar 4
Artificer 3
Noble 1

Power of the Void

Cravings: Human Flesh
Mictlantecuhtli’s Curse

Tlacuatl, Outlander, Sorceric, Demonic

Obsidian Spider Knife, 1d3 plus paralyzing poison (hard Strength task to resist)
Amulet of Tepeyollotl (d6-2 of “armor”)

A Dangerous Foe: Tlilpotonqui

Somewhere in the world lies the lost valley of Tlactoztlan. The strange natives of this hidden place practice human sacrifice, pray to bizarre gods, adorn themselves with brightly-colored feathers, and – it is rumored – live in cities made of gold. Only the bravest and luckiest adventurers find their way to Tlactoztlan!

Feared throughout Tlactoztlan, Tlilpotonqui is the high priest of the Tlactozotl death god, Omacatl. He resides deep within the jungles of the lost valley, in the great vine-covered temple of Omacatl, where he and his cadre of jaguar-masked enforcers live richly upon the offerings left to Omacatl at the shrines that dot the roads and rivers of the land. Though he freely uses his position and power to benefit himself, Tlilpotonqui is no charlatan. He and his charges are devout believers in the power of Omacatl and they treat their rites with the utmost of respect. Tlilpotonqui possesses a very dark sense of humor and is not afraid to openly mock or threaten even the great Tlatoani if it suits his needs. Like all Texotli (the priests of Tlactoztlan), Tlilpotonqui wears a headdress comprised of blue parrot feathers, with a single jet black Quetzalcoatl feather at the center.

Lifeblood 11
Arcane Power 11
Villain Points 6

Strength 1
Agility 2
Mind 3
Appeal 1

Brawl 1
Melee 3
Ranged 1
Defense 2

Priest 3
Assassin 2
Magician 1
Torturer 1

Poison Immunity
Detect Deception
Marked by the Gods

Cravings: Chewed leaves & roots that grant energy and mystical visions


Jade Parrot Mace, 1d6+1
Obsidian Monkey Knife, 1d3+1
Very light armor (black feathered cloak) 1d3-1

A Dangerous Foe: The Wolfmage

Wherein your humble scribe presents a Barbarians of Lemuria villain he put together on a whim, for use in his own (highly-derivative) Kaalmuria setting.

Modolfr Hrossbjorn, now called The Wolfmage, stands alone amongst his people, as one of the very few Geirbjornhalers to excel at the arcane arts. He lives alone in an abandoned mountain hall, where he communes with the dark forces that give him his power. But it was not always thus…

A lifetime ago Hrossbjorn was a simple barbarian from the north who went to the civilized lands to make his fortune. Along the way he and his companions fell afoul of an amoral necromancer whose name is lost to time, though not to the Wolfmage’s memory. As a slave to this wizard, Hrossbjorn watched as his companions died one by one, only to have their bodies and souls violated by the dark arts practiced by the sorcerer.

One day Hrossbjorn decided he could not stand this fate any further and rose up against the necromancer. Strangely, the spells flung at Hrossbjorn failed to affect him, and his mighty thews quickly dispatched the old wizard. And though his animal wildness won, Hrossbjorn was never able to forget the power displayed by the magician. Ever after Modolfr Hrossbjorn sought as much magical power as he could find, and soon became known as The Wolfmage.

Lifeblood 13
Arcane Power 14
Villain Points 3

Strength 3
Agility 2
Mind 4
Appeal -1

Brawl 1
Melee 3
Ranged 1
Defense 3

Sorcerer 4
Barbarian 2
Slave 0
Scholar 2

Fearsome Looks
Keen Scent
Magic Resistence

Missing Eye (Right)
Feels the Cold

Geiric, Lirian, Thaxian, Sorceric

Axe, d6+3
Very Light Armor (Furs) d3-1

A Dangerous Foe: The Red Marquis

Wherein your humble scribe presents a Barbarians of Lemuria villain he put together on a whim, for use in his own (highly-derivative) Kaalmuria setting.

Arnaut Xavier is a minor noble from the region surrounding Liria. In his daily life he is an unassuming, if devilishly handsome, dilettante. Behind the scenes, though, in his guise as The Red Marquis, he is the power behind one of the most prominent thieves guilds in all of Kaalmuria. A criminal mastermind, an a daring rogue in his own right, The Red Marquis commands a large range of henchmen and a number of loyal lieutenants.

Though he is a ruthless opponent who is not above certain dubious strategies, The Red Marquis adheres to a complicated code of honor that, if deciphered, could be used to manipulate him into helping, rather than opposing, a band of heroes.

Lifeblood 11
Villain Points 5

Strength 1
Agility 2
Mind 2
Appeal 1

Brawl 0
Melee 3
Ranged 0
Defense 3

Noble 2
Assassin 1
Rogue 2
Alchemist 1

Escape Artist
Poison Immunity

City Dweller


Rapier, d6
Dagger (Lirian Kris), d6-2
Very light armor, d3-1

A Dangerous Foe: Shaalath Akis

Wherein your humble scribe presents LL/AEC and (as an added bonus) BoL writeups of naughty sorceress Shaalath Akis, who was introduced recently in The Demons Of Adad Untash: Uszu Anang Kal. He invites you to use this foul temptress to bedevil your players. She’s a very bad girl (and she likes it like that).

One note on the LL/AEC version of Shaalath Akis: I’ve always played the Advanced game with magic-users getting bonus spells for INT as clerics do for WIS, so she’s listed with more spells than a magic-user of her level would normally have by-the-book. To rectify this if you don’t play that way, simply knock her spells per day down to 2/2/1 and assume that they spells listed are the ones she’s more likely to have memorized than anything else she has in her spell books. Or you can write-off the bonus spells as a benefit of her dedication to her demonic master.

Now, without further ado, Shaalath Akis!

Shaalath Akis – LL/AEC Style

Race Human (Female)
Class Magic-User
Level 5
Alignment Chaotic (Evil)
Hit Points 20
Armor Class 5

INT 17
DEX 13
CON 13
CHR 16

Spells: 4/4/2
1st Level: Charm Person, Magic Missile, Read Magic, Shield
2nd Level: Darkness Globe, Invisibility, Scare, Stinking Cloud
3rd Level: Hold Person, Summon Monster I

Bracers of Armor (AC 6)
Venom Dagger +1
Scroll of Spells:
* Summon Monster III
* Summon Demon

Shaalath Akis, BoL Style

Sorceress & Adept of Jebel Jebellah

Lifeblood 10
Arcane Power 14
Villain Points 6

Strength 0
Agility 2
Mind 2
Appeal 1

Combat Abilities
Brawling 0
Melee 2
Ranged 1
Defense 2

Sorcerer 2
Druid 1
Noble 1
Scholar 1

Power of the Void
Marked by the Gods


2 Daggers (1d3)
Very Light Armor (1d3-1)