Category Archives: Claybourne Subsector

Traveller: The FitzLogan Gang

Wherein your humble scribe presents a group of characters for (classic) Traveller. All of these were rolled up by-the-book from Book 1: Characters And Combat and/or Supplement 4: Citizens of the Imperium.

For years Logan “Fitz” FitzLogan was one of the more notorious con men in the Claybourne Subsector, but he’s been straight ever since his last conviction was overturned due to technical issues surrounding the case. He was last seen traveling in the company of a couple of lovely graduate students and a retired Army Major with a thing for guns, but the Alliance Patrol keeps losing their tracer on him somehow. Surely that’s just a coincidence.

Logan “Fitz” FitzLogan
877596 Age 34 4 Terms (Service: Rogue)
Streetwise-2, Forgery-2, Computer-1, AutoPistol-1, Liaison-1, Carousing-2

Natsuko Coats
8A69B9 Age 30 3 Terms (Service: Scientist)
Computer-3, Electronic-1, Dagger-1, AutoPistol-1

Jennifer Rebryk
886CB5 Age 26 2 Terms (Service: Scientist)
Computer-1, Jack of All Trades-1, AutoPistol-1, Medical-1

Maxwell Lozyk
A87768 Age 30 3 Terms (Service: Army, Final Rank: Major)
Rifle-1, SMG-1, Shotgun-1, AutoRifle-1, Carbine-1, Mechanical-1, Electronic-1, Air/Raft-1

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Traveller: The Professional Athlete Career (And Some Barnstorming Ceroballers)

It’s spring, or close to it, and that means that The Venomous Pao’s fancy turns to baseball. He can’t help it. And though that may make him a little odd for a raging geek blogger, that’s just who he is. On the plus side, he’s channeled this quirk into the creation of a new prior career for his favoritest old school SciFI game – Classic Traveller. And now… without further ado… here’s the Professional Athlete career (eer-eer-eer)!

Professional Athlete
Enlistment 9+
DM of +1 if STR or DEX 9+
DM of +2 if END 10+

Survival* 6+
DM +2 if END 9+

Position 8+
DM +1 if INT 9+

Promotion 9+
DM +1 if STR or DEX 11+

Re-enlist (4+terms served)+

*Failing a survival roll for a Professional Athlete seldom results in death. Instead, this result typically indicates a career ending injury or, less frequently, a scandal that forces the player out of the sport. On a failed survival roll, throw 10+ for a scandal-based end to the career (which reduces the character’s SOC by 1D). Otherwise a CEI reduces all physical attributes by 1D each. Only on a throw of 2 is character death indicated.

Rank 0 Minor Leaguer (Scrub)
Rank 1 Journeyman
Rank 2 Regular
Rank 3 Star
Rank 4 All-Star
Rank 5 Superstar
Rank 6 Legend

Material Benefits
1 Low Psg
2 Mid Psg
3 High Psg
4 +1 Soc
5 +1 Int
6 Travellers’
7 Sponsorship Deal
Characters of Rank 5 or 6 are allowed a DM of +1 on this table.

Cash Benefits
1 1,000
2 5,000
3 10,000
4 20,000
5 50,000
6 100,000
7 200,000

Characters with Gambling or who have retired are allowed a DM of +1 on this table.

Sponsorship Deal: The character – so long as he or she maintains a professional public reputation – earns money from his or her sponsorship of various businesses and their goods. Characters of Rank 5 earn Cr 20,000 annually and those of Rank 6 earn Cr 50,000 per year.

Rank And Service Skills
Minor Leaguer: Athletics-1
Journeyman: Sport-1
Superstar: +1 Soc

Acquired Skills Table

Personal Development Table
1 +1 Stren
2 +1 Dext
3 +1 Endur
4 +1 Intel
5 Athletics
6 Brawling

Service Skills Table
1 Athletics
2 Carousing
3 Sport
4 Sport
5 Gambling
6 Streetwise

Advanced Education Table
1 Vehicle
2 Liaison
3 Recruiting
4 +1 Educ
5 Gun Cbt
6 Bribery

Advanced Education Table (EDU 8+ Only)
1 Medical
2 Instruction
3 Jack-o-T
4 Forgery
5 Admin
6 Pilot

Athletics: The individual is a trained athlete. This skill should be used as a favorable DM in situations that test athletic ability.

Sport: The individual is skilled in the rules and performance of a specific sport, which must be specified immediately upon receipt of this skill. DMs based on specific situations should be generated, and Sport skill should be used as a favorable DM. This skill may also prove useful for certain jobs.

The New Chuzaen Traveling Knights

Below are a few key players on the New Chuzaen Traveling Knights – a team of retired Ceroball Players who are barnstorming through the the Claybourne Subsector rather than growing up and getting “real” jobs now that their pro days are over. There’s no telling what kind of trouble a group like this can get into while traveling between systems. And sometimes they might even need to book passage with a scurvy crew of ex-Scouts, Marines, and the like.

#29 Sir Edward “Eddie Knightblade” Falshine IV
8AC97A Age 22 1 Term (Service: Professional Athlete, Final Rank: Minor Leaguer)
Athletics-3, Liaison-1

#6 Frederick “Flexi” Fogel
898458 Age 26 2 Term (Service: Professional Athlete, Final Rank: Regular)
Athletics-1, Brawling-1, Ceroball-3, Carousing-1, Ground Car-1

#18 Marion “Ox” Kozloski
B7A954 Age 38 5 Term (Service: Professional Athlete, Final Rank: All-Star)
Athletics-2, Ceroball-3, Liaison-1, Bribery-1, Gambling-1, Recruiting-1

#44 Genero “Dash” Di Miasi
8A9786 Age 30 3 Term (Service: Professional Athlete, Final Rank: Regular)
Athletics-2, Ceroball-2, Recruiting-1, Instruction-1, Admin-1

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Traveller: Baron Furnols’ Retinue

Wherein your humble scribe presents a group of characters for (classic) Traveller. All of these were rolled up by-the-book from Book 1: Characters And Combat and/or Supplement 4: Citizens of the Imperium.

Bored to tears in the Claybourne Subsector, Baron Ignasi Ot Furnols and his latest group of playthings, er, friends, have found themselves on Albian with little to do but wait for the next liner headed somewhere interesting. But wait! It turns out there’s a branch of the Psionics Institute operating here, and on a whim the Baron himself funds everyone’s training. This should make life a but more interesting for those who come into contact with this particular entourage…

Baron Ignasi Ot Furnols
7A77AC Age 30 3 Terms (Service: Nobles, Final Rank: Baron)
Bribery-1, Foil-1, Brawling-1
Psionic Strength: 8
Psionic Talents: Telekinesis-1, Telepathy-1

Florian Krusinski
78B656 Age 26 2 Term (Service: Army, Final Rank: Captain)
Rifle-1, SMG-1, Gambling-1, Bayonet-1, Tactics-1
Psionic Strength: 5
Psionic Talents: Telekinesis-1, Telepathy-1

Bernadette Piper
AA6884 Age 26 2 Terms (Service: Merchants, Final Rank: 3rd Officer)
Jack of All Trades-1, Air/Raft-1, Streetwise-1, Mechanical-1, Pilot-1
Psionic Strength: 9
Psionic Talents: Telepathy-1, Teleportation-1

Masumi Sandoval
6C8397 Age 22 1 Terms (Service: Army, Final Rank: Captain)
Rifle-1, SMG-1, Mechanical-2, Tactics-1, Medical-1
Psionic Strength: 10
Psionic Talents: Clairvoyance-1, Telekinesis-1, Telepathy 1

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Traveller: The Crew Of The Free Trader Nobuharu

Wherein, in honor of the currently still free (through December 31st) classic Traveller Starter Edition, your humble scribe presents a group of characters for (classic) Traveller. All of these were rolled up by-the-book using said Starter Edition.

Working their way through the Claybourne Subsector, the crew of the Free Trader Nobuharu – brainiacs all – have found themselves a bit short on this month’s payment. Not wanting to lose possession of the one thing that sets them apart from the rest of the rabble, these streetwise geniuses have stumbled upon the Governor of Posada’s need to have a trio of “embarrassing” individuals escorted “elsewhere” in the subsector. The ladies in question don’t seem particularly difficult to deal with, and their high passages – as well as a generous “discretion bonus” – have been paid for in cash. What could possibly go wrong?

Wes Galinol
A67C78 Age 34 4 Terms (Service: Merchants, Final Rank: Captain)
Jack of All Trades-2, Streetwise-3, Steward-1, Pilot-2
Free Trader

Vicki Bergeron
548A79 Age 38 5 Terms (Service: Merchants, Final Rank: 1st Officer)
Streetwise-2, Navigation-3, Steward-1, Jack of All Trades-1, Electronic-1, Pilot-1, Gunnery-2
Low Psg

Ulysses Kielty
685B98 Age 22 1 Terms (Service: Navy, Final Rank: Lieutenant)
Medical-1, Navigation-1, Engineering-1, Computer-1

Octavio Basilio
C73BB6 Age 38 5 Term (Service: Marines, Final Rank: Force Commander)
Cutlass-1, Leader-4, Admin-1, Tactics-3, Revolver-1
Cutlass, TAS

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Traveller: Sneaking Stinson Through The Stratosphere

Wherein, in honor of the currently free classic Traveller Starter Edition, your humble scribe presents a group of three characters for (classic) Traveller. All of these were rolled up by-the-book using said Starter Edition.

Mustered out on Budapest in the Claybourne Subsector, this group of miscreants is looking for work. One of them overheard a little rumor in the B-class starport bar that there’s a scientist in the capital city who is looking for a group to escort her (or him?) offworld so that he can conduct his research without further interference by the planet’s highly bureaucratic government. Of course, just finding this scientist (Stinson? Simson? What was that name, exactly?) will be hard enough. Getting him (or her?) through the red tape to get offworld might prove to be nearly impossible. Maybe they’ll just go back to drinking until an easier patron comes along…

Ernesto Meltzer
686A48 Age 22 1 Term (Service: Marines, Final Rank: NCO)

Keisha Benton
8CB838 Age 38 5 Terms (Service: Merchants, Final Rank: 2nd Officer)
Steward-2, Steetwise-1, AutoPistol-1, Electronics-2, Jack of All Trades-2

Katie Craine
78B674 Age 30 3 Terms (Service: Army, Final Rank: Major)
Rifle-1, SMG-1, Blade-1, Forward Observer-1, Mechanical-2, Tactics-1
Low Psg

Rodney Calastine
7C78A3 Age 26 2 Terms (Service: Navy, Final Rank: Lieutenant)
Medical-1, Engineering-1, Navigation-1, Pilot-2

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Traveller: The Cat Is In The Bag

Wherein your humble scribe presents a group of three characters for (classic) Traveller. All of these were rolled up by-the-book from Book 1: Characters And Combat.

Kicking around the ‘roids of Emental in the Claybourne Subsector after mustering out, this group of relative striplings are in desperate need of a patron. But what can an army sawbones, the troubled young woman he got booted from the service for, a jarhead grease monkey, and brainy ex-scout do to earn an honest living?

Well, there was that fancy guy at the starport casino, talking about needing help recapturing the grex panthera (or whatever he called it) that had gotten loose from its enclosure at his villa. That didn’t sound too difficult. Sam and Roy should be able to figure out the best way to tranquilize the thing, and Allan can certainly solomani-rig some kind of trap if need be. And Noemi? Well, maybe she can keep that sissy noble company by showing him just how grunts play cards. Really, what could possibly go wrong?

Samuel Lazarus
994694 Age 22 1 Term (Service: Army, Final Rank: Captain)
Rifle-1, Medical-3

Noemi Gaccione
894577 Age 22 1 Terms (Service: Army, Final Rank: Lieutenant)
Rifle-1, SMG-1, Gambling-2

Allan Kamin
699684 Age 30 3 Terms (Service: Marines, Final Rank: Captain)
Cutlass-1, Mechanical-3, Brawling-1, Gambling-1

Roy Boatright
77AA78 Age 34 4 Terms (Service: Scouts)
Pilot-1, Navigation-2, Vacc Suit-1, SMG-1, Jack of All Trades-1, Mechanical-1

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Traveller: Baby You Can Drive My… Hovercraft? Submarine? Helicopter?

Wherein your humble scribe presents a group of three characters for (classic) Traveller. All of these were rolled up by-the-book from Book 4: Citizens of the Imperium.

This group of well-educated, yet oddly not very bright, folks met after mustering out of their various careers on Hepaxion in the Claybourne Subsector. They’re not entirely sure what they want to do with the rest of their lives, but between the three of them they have a good grasp on the mechanics of getting there. It’s only a matter of time before one of them reads a good idea that someone else thought of and works out how to put it into action. That, or some quick-witted patron will realize that his transportation needs are covered by this largely non-threatening trio.

Reuben Matusiak
4996B8 Age 34 4 Terms (Service: Bureaucrat, Final Rank: Assistant Manager)
Vehicle: Hovercraft-2, AutoPistol-1, Admin-2, Computer-1, Recruiting-1

Stefan Ozols
8764A6 Age 22 2 Terms (Service: Sailors, Final Rank: Lieutenant)
Water Craft-2, Demolition-1, Electronic-1, Communications-1

Teresa Ballinger
8675C5 Age 38 5 Terms (Service: Flyers, Final Rank: Staff Major)
Air Craft: Helicopter-2, Survival-2, SMG-1, Medical-1, Admin-1, Gambling-1, Carousing-1
SMG, High Psg

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Traveller: The Crew Of The Free Trader Peak Eight

Wherein your humble scribe presents a group of three characters for (classic) Traveller. All of these were rolled up by-the-book from Book 1: Characters and Combat.

Struggling to make ends meet in the heartless Claybourne Subsector, the crew of the Free Trader Peak Eight, finds they are in need of a Steward for their operation. The pay is good, and everything seems on the up-and-up. Yet for some reason they don’t seem to be keen on discussing what happened to the last person who held that position…

Theodore “Cap” Oyola
AB9644 Age 38 5 Terms (Service: Merchants, Final Rank: Captain)
SMG-1, AutoPistol-1, Electronics-1, Streetwise-1, Navigation-2, Pilot-1, Medical-1, Jack of All Trades-1, Bribery-1, Steward-1
Free Trader (10 years owned/paid), Auto Pistol

Jude “Doc” Hartjen
787AC3 Age 34 4 Terms (Service: Merchants, Final Rank: 1st officer)
Dagger-1, Medical-3, Navigation-2, Auto Pistol-2, Bribery-1, Pilot-1
Auto Pistol

Samantha “Sparks” Mihalik
47A982 Age 34 4 Terms (Service: Merchants, Final Rank: 2nd officer)
Electronics-1, SMG-2, Mechanical-1, AutoPistol-1, Engineering-2

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Traveller: Scientists On The Hunt

Wherein your humble scribe presents a group of four characters for (classic) Traveller. All of these were rolled up almost by-the-book from Supplement 4: Citizens of the Imperium because that’s where the real fun is. When I say “almost” I mean that I used my ancient houserule that, like the Scouts, services that don’t have a commission/promotion path get two skill rolls per term rather than just one. Heresy? Not in my book!

Traveling throughout the Claybourne Subsector aboard the safari ship Egan’s Dream, two scientists, their guide and his pilot are in search of unique animal and plant life that might serve as the basis for new advancements in medicine…

Eriq Rickenbacker
684B95 Age 34 4 Terms (Service: Scientist)
Computer-2, Mechanical-1, Medical-1, Auto Pistol-1, Gravitics-1, Navigation-1, Survival-1, Jack of all Trades-1
Mid Psg, Auto Pistol

Mallory Uzzle
5B6AC3 Age 30 3 Terms (Service: Scientist)
Computer-1, Electronics-1, Leader-1, Medical-1, Survival-1, Jack of all Trades-1
Mid Psg

Hoyt Lenix
889638 Age 38 5 Terms (Service: Hunter)
Hunting-2, Spear-3, Survival-2, Rifle-2, Electronics-1, Medical-1
Safari Ship, Rifle

Kimber Jabaut
A89A82 Age 34 4 Terms (Service: Pirate, Final Rank: Lieutenant)
Brawling-1, SMG-1, Shotgun-1, Mechanical-2, Electronics-1, Leader-1, Engineering-2, Pilot-2
Low Psg

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Traveller: 3 Citizens Of The Shardyn Alliance

Wherein your humble scribe presents three characters for (classic) Traveller. All three were rolled up by-the-book from Supplement 4: Citizens of the Imperium because I love that book like I love nothing else when it comes to Traveller. I mean, really, why should gun-slinging ex-military types have all the fun?

Jaunting about the Claybourne Subsector, this trio of well-to-do hob nobbers are looking to hire some grunts to do their dirty work as they attempt to establish their very own megacorp. Mercs beware! This gang of Travellers might just Liaison or Admin you to death…

Dame Aliz de Torando
48698B Age 34 4 Terms (Service: Noble, Final Rank: Knight)
Body Pistol-1, Admin-2, Pilot-1, Jack of all trades-1
High Psg, TAS Membership

Artur Dibben-Ganz
5577CA Age 38 5 Terms (Service: Diplomat, Final Rank: 1st Secretary)
Liaison-1, Carousing-1, Streetwise-2, Auto Pistol-1, Forgery-2
Auto Pistol

Severin Isaacs
485AA8 Age 46 7 Terms (Service: Bureaucrat, Final Rank: Executive)
Liaison-2, Admin-1, Interrogation-1, Revolver-2, Ground Car-2
Watch, Mid Psg

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