Category Archives: Games

RPGaDAY 2019: 26 Vidhu Saatna Warrior

Wherein your humble scribe presents one of thirty character backgrounds for Troika! as part of his RPGaDAY 2019 experience. Find out more about the rules he is using to govern said experience here. You might also want to know that today’s roll is: Critical (22)

26 Vidhu Saatna Warrior

Sometimes a single dedicated warrior is the key to the success of a battle. You have trained long, difficult hours and studied the writings of the wise to master the arts of combat. Now, from the remote fortress of Vidhu Saatna you have entered the wider world to make your mark. Do so with honor.


  • Sword or Axe.
  • Bow or Crossbow.
  • Light Armor.
  • A copy of the Prandha Dhatru the sacred Vidhu Saatna Manual of Warfare

Advanced Skills

2 Sword Fighting or 2 Axe Fighting
1 Bow Fighting or 1 Crossbow Fighting
1 Fist Fighting or 1 Wrestling
1 Run
1 Climb
1 Acrobatics
1 Healing
1 Strength


In advance of any combat for which you can specifically prepare, you may declare that you are reading your copy of the Prandha Dhatru for insights that will aid you. Test your Luck to uncover such wisdom. If you succeed:

You may keep this information to yourself and receive either (a) +1 to all of your combat & damage rolls this combat or (b) the option to declare a single combat roll in this battle to be a Mighty Blow. In either case, you cannot use Luck in this combat. The Prandha Dhatru teaches both consistent success and sudden victory; in both approaches it shuns random chance.

Alternatively, you may share this information with an ally and they will receive a +3 to a single combat roll or damage roll of their choosing in this combat. Those who have not dedicated their lives to studying the Prandha Dhatru cannot hope to use the wisdom of the Sacred Manual fully.

RPGaDAY 2019: 25 Sorcerer Of Masks

Wherein your humble scribe presents one of thirty character backgrounds for Troika! as part of his RPGaDAY 2019 experience. Find out more about the rules he is using to govern said experience here. You might also want to know that today’s roll is: Mystery (26) [By way of rolling 61]

25 Sorcerer Of Masks

Everyone hides behind a mask or two; you just do it literally. Sure, you have found that concealing your identity can be handy. But you have also unlocked the secrets of masks as they apply to altering reality with magic. Between these masks and your penchant for disguising your own appearance, you can no longer recognize yourself in a mirror or photograph.


  • 1D2 Masks, each of which provides a bonus of +1 to one of your random spells. Only the topmost mask provides a benefit.
  • Disguise Kit.
  • A Photograph of Your True Face. At least you think it’s your true face.

Advanced Skills

2 Disguise
2 Spell – Illusion
1 Awareness
1 Mask-Making
1 Spell – True Seeing
1 Spell – Mirror Selves
1 Spell – Random
1 Spell – Random


For a cost of D66 golden coins’ worth of materials and 1 permanent Luck point you may attempt to create a new mask that will provide a +1 to a spell you know. To successfully create the mask you must (1) successfully pass a Mask-Making test and (2) Test your Luck (at its new level after the sacrifice). If you succeed you have a new mask. If you fail the Mask-Making test, you are out the costs. If you fail in Testing your Luck, you cannot work the intended spell for 2D6 days.

RPGaDAY 2019: 24 Ruthless Futures Trader

Wherein your humble scribe presents one of thirty character backgrounds for Troika! as part of his RPGaDAY 2019 experience. Find out more about the rules he is using to govern said experience here. You might also want to know that today’s roll is: Share (13)

24 Ruthless Futures Trader

The trading pits in Theynes rank among the deadliest and most dangerous places on the planet. There futures traders like yourself execute contracts and their rivals in a vicious market where nearly anything can be bought or sold, in large lots, for gold, for delivery at a future date. Any number of traders may have purchased any specific contract, with the final award going to the last trader standing. Of course, if there is only one contract-holder remaining when the day comes, no fighting is necessary.


  • A Ceramic Knife.
  • A Large & Well-Worn Allas Hide Ledger (counts as Shield).
  • 2d6 Futures Contracts detailed within the above Ledger.

Advanced Skills

2 Futures Trading
2 Mathmology
2 Poison
2 Evaluate
2 Knife Fighting


Once per day you may declare that one of your contracts has come up. Roll a D66 to determine how much the contract is worth in gold. When you are next in Theynes, visit the trading pits to fight 1D6 rival(s) for your winnings.

RPGaDAY 2019: 23 Pytheas Project Pathfinder

Wherein your humble scribe presents one of thirty character backgrounds for Troika! as part of his RPGaDAY 2019 experience. Find out more about the rules he is using to govern said experience here. You might also want to know that today’s roll is: Vast (42) [By way of rolling 66 and a 6]

23 Pytheas Project Pathfinder

Ancient maps show that the world was once comprised of titanic landmasses – whole continents that no longer exist, swallowed by long ago cataclysms, perhaps. As it stands, civilization resides now upon many archipelagos and a smattering of large islands in addition to the two known continents. Still, above and below the ocean may be found treasures and wonders of the previous ages. As a recruit of the Pytheas Project you’re just the sort of danger-seeking lunatic to go in search of them. Raging storms and starvation be damned.


  • A Map of the World, or, rather, of parts of it, probably highly inaccurate. Don’t let that stop you. Update it with your findings.
  • A Compass which doesn’t really do you much good since the magnetic field of the world is unreliable at best. Still, it’s part of the look.
  • A Ceramic Sword.
  • Diving Gear.

Advanced Skills

2 Secret Signs – The Pytheas Project
2 Navigation
2 Sailing
2 Sword Fighting
1 Diving
1 Survival
1 Mathmology

RPGaDAY 2019: 22 Vincunian Storyteller

Wherein your humble scribe presents one of thirty character backgrounds for Troika! as part of his RPGaDAY 2019 experience. Find out more about the rules he is using to govern said experience here. You might also want to know that today’s roll is: Suspense (52)

22 Vincunian Storyteller

If there’s one thing the people of Vinx love more than hearing a good story it’s telling one. And they’re all exceptionally good at it, which makes them popular dinner guests in other corners of the world. At least at parties without time limits. Because Vincunians are… very fond… of keeping… the story… going…


  • Vincunian Ceremonial Fork (Damage as Dagger).
  • Fancy Clothes.
  • 1d6 Stories for Every Occasion.
  • 2d6 Stories for Specific Occasions.

Advanced Skills

4 Storytelling
2 Disguise
1 Language – Senticci
1 Language – Yondic
1 Etiquette
1 Spell – Illusion

RPGaDAY 2019: 21 Serious Magician

Wherein your humble scribe presents one of thirty character backgrounds for Troika! as part of his RPGaDAY 2019 experience. Find out more about the rules he is using to govern said experience here. You might also want to know that today’s roll is: Focus (23)

21 Serious Magician

No mere party trick conjuror you. No, sir. True, you began your career doing cards and simple mesmerism, but there’s real magic in this world and you have found your way into the order of those who practice it. Pulling a crab out of a hat is simple, being able to pull nearly anything from your hat is your specialty. It has taken years of dedication, and many more will follow. Such is the life a of serious magician.


  • Top Hat.
  • Fancy Cape.
  • “Magic” Wand.

Advanced Skills

2 Second Sight
2 Secret Signs – Brotherhood of Magicians
2 Prestidigitation
2 Hypnotism
1 Spell – Astral Reach
1 Spell – Random
1 Spell – Random

RPGaDAY 2019: 16 Allas Trapper

Wherein your humble scribe presents one of thirty character backgrounds for Troika! as part of his RPGaDAY 2019 experience. Find out more about the rules he is using to govern said experience here. You might also want to know that today’s roll is: Scary (36) [By way of rolling a 63 and a 3]

16 Allas Trapper

Here we see a desperate and brave trapper as she moves stealthily through the forest, placing traps for her quarry, the fearsome Allas. Her strong arms are needed to pry the traps’ jaws apart before they are baited with the traditional lure of honey and raw meat. Her wicked polearm will be necessary to dispatch the trapped Allas. And her Allas-hide armor will be necessary to protect her from the beast’s fangs and claws as precious little else will stand a chance.


  • Polearm.
  • 2 Allas Traps.
  • Allas-hide Armor (counts as Heavy Armor).
  • D3 Allas Pelts.

Advanced Skills

3 Trapping
2 Polearm Fighting
2 Tracking
2 Strength
1 Sneak
1 Trading


Skill 9 Stamina 22 Initiative 3 Armor 3
Damage as Gigantic Beast

Here we see a noble Allas, striding through the forest, knocking over small trees with its tremendous body, crushing small mammals beneath its enormous feet even as its razor-sharp claws leave scars in the scorched, rock-hard earth. The Allas, believed to be a descendant of displaced northern bears from the distant past, is considered by many to be /the/ apex predator of the land. Oh. Oh dear. This Allas has spotted our camera crew. We advise sensitive viewers not to watch the following footage.


  1. Languorous
  2. Berry-Drunk
  3. Ravenous
  4. Truculent
  5. Inquisitive
  6. Dolorous

RPGaDAY 2019: 15 Resolute Defender Of The Enduring City, Retired

Wherein your humble scribe presents one of thirty character backgrounds for Troika! as part of his RPGaDAY 2019 experience. Find out more about the rules he is using to govern said experience here. You might also want to know that today’s roll is: Last (56)

15 Resolute Defender Of The Enduring City, Retired

Kolincz, The Enduring City. Hewn into the living rock that stands guard over the Kelejsz Sea. Though its walls are impenetrable the City still maintains an elite force of warriors who rely upon the weapons and skills of the rock itself. The Resolute Defenders swear to defend Kolincz until their final breaths, or until the age of 44, whichever comes first. No one is aware of a Resolute Defender failing to make it to retirement age for any reason related to actual defending, so there are quite a few out of work 40-something stone-throwers about.


  • Sling (2/2/4/4/6/8/10) and 2d6 stones.
  • Stone-tipped Spear.
  • Sack of Sacred Rocks (1d6) each of which glows for 1d6 hours when properly entreated to do so. This usually involves blood & prayers & singing.

Advanced Skills

3 Sling Fighting
2 Spell – Breach
2 Knapping
2 Spear Fighting
1 Tunnel Fighting
1 Strength

Interrupting All Programmes… Free Toika!

Hey folks. If you haven’t picked up Troika! yet, I just saw that it’s going to be given away free in their next newsletter. So sign up for said list here to collect your copy:

And if you’ve already paid for Troika, well, I reckon you should sign up anyway. I did.

RPGaDAY 2019: 14 Polyglot Cosmopolitan

Wherein your humble scribe presents one of thirty character backgrounds for Troika! as part of his RPGaDAY 2019 experience. Find out more about the rules he is using to govern said experience here. You might also want to know that today’s roll is: Calamity (46)

14 Polyglot Cosmopolitan

The Six Cataclysms displaced a great many people, and you are one of them. You’ve traveled much of what’s left of the world and, clever dilettante that you are, you’ve picked up a little of this and a little of that everywhere you’ve been. Still, there’s no place like home, even if it doesn’t exist anymore. So maybe the next place you alight will be more familiar.


  • A Memento of your Homeland
  • A Collection of Postcards from your many travels
  • A Book of Recipes collected from your various stops

Advanced Skills

2 Language – Quoxecatl
2 Language – Senticci
2 Language – Yondic
2 Language – Zakraabi
2 Etiquette
2 Culture
1 Secret Signs – The Diaspora
1 Gastronomy


You may Test your Luck to know a thing or two about the culture or history of another land.