Category Archives: Troika

RPGaDAY 2019: 42 Confessor of Larx

Wherein your humble scribe presents one of thirty character backgrounds for Troika! he started as his RPGaDAY 2019 experience, but is only now getting around to continuing. Find out more about the rules he is using to govern said experience here. You might also want to know that today’s roll is: Critical (22)

42 Confessor of Larx

Among the many Gods of the Cataclysmic Millennium, Larx sits rather high upon the hill. Larx rules over many things, but most of all He delights in knowing the failures and transgressions of the creatures of the world. It’s your job to serve as His eyes and ears. Through you Larx partakes of his favorite form of sustenance. And through you he improves the lives of those who confess their sins truthfully.


  • Holy Truncheon (Damage as Mace).
  • Confessor’s Robes (counts as Light Armor).
  • 1d6 Pocket Gods.

Advanced Skills

2 Spell – Exorcism
2 Spell – Banish Spirit
2 Discern Truth
2 Condemn/Absolve
1 Truncheon Fighting


You may Test your Luck to Accept a Confession from any sentient entity. If successful, that entity gains 1 Luck (up to its natural maximum) as its soul comes clean. Further, you do not lose a point of Luck from testing. If unsuccessful, however, the entity loses 1 Luck and you lose 2 Luck for failing to please His Infinite Fickleness. You may only attempt to Accept a Confession from any given entity once per year. Larx doesn’t eat small meals.

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RPGaDAY 2019: 41 Beleaguered Bureaucrat (Burned Out)

Wherein your humble scribe presents one of thirty character backgrounds for Troika! he started as his RPGaDAY 2019 experience, but is only now getting around to continuing. Find out more about the rules he is using to govern said experience here. You might also want to know that today’s roll is: Calamity (46)

41 Beleaguered Bureaucrat

In a world where there are six cataclysms worth of insurance claims, planning board documents, construction permits, and Larx knows what else, there will be numerous individuals whose job it is to deal with that avalanche of record keeping. Most of them settle into a life of office politics and mediocre evenings like a pig settles into the muck. Others, though, never fully adjust to that lifestyle. Once you’d filed your last 27b/6 you just kind of snapped. Now you’re out here, living the life you’ve always dreamed of: open sky & open road, free from crushing weight of responsibility for the little things that hold society together, ready to make up for lost time. And with a little extra in your pocket for your troubles.


  • d666 embezzled coins.
  • Gold-Plated Ball Point Pen (Damage as Dagger).

Advanced Skills

3 Bureaucracy
2 Etiquette
2 Secret Signs: Bureaucratic Jargon & Marks
1 Awareness
1 Mathmology
1 Pen Fighting
1 Neglected Talent You Aim To Make Good On Now

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RPGaDAY 2019: 36 Priest Of The Bounteous Lord

Wherein your humble scribe presents one of thirty character backgrounds for Troika! as part of his RPGaDAY 2019 experience. Find out more about the rules he is using to govern said experience here. You might also want to know that today’s roll is: Plenty (35)

36 Priest Of The Bounteous Lord

The gospel of Urarg-Hab-Shaddon, The Bounteous Lord, teaches that there is more than enough matter in the universe and that the most sinful act is to contain & constrain. Thus, your calling is to liberate all forms of matter from the confinements of the world. Those who don’t understand that this includes coins from banks, gems from the unholy statues of heretical faiths, and delicious foods from restaurants are simply ignorant. Those who would stand in your way are simply intolerant fools.


  • A Staff, which is but one of an enormous collection.
  • Many layers of Robes and Vestments (counts as Light Armor).
  • A bottomless Tin of Biscuits, which cannot actually provide the mechanical benefits of a meal’s worth of food, but will leave everyone in the vicinity feeling full and happy.

Advanced Skills

2 Liturgical Oration
2 Spell – Grow
2 Spell – Shatter
1 Spell – Explode
1 Spell – Open
1 Evaluate
1 Locks

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RPGaDAY 2019: 35 Rhos Olastra Cultural Ambasador

Wherein your humble scribe presents one of thirty character backgrounds for Troika! as part of his RPGaDAY 2019 experience. Find out more about the rules he is using to govern said experience here. You might also want to know that today’s roll is: Critical (22)

35 Rhos Olastra Cultural Ambassador

“Always marginalized, often conquered, seldom appreciated.” is how the cultural anthropologists of the University of Welveng have described the Rhos Olasta. This small island nation has produced many of the great cultural works of the Cataclysmic Millennium. After throwing off the chains of their last oppressor, King Moesgoff VI dispatched his most successful warrior-poets into the world to spread the best of his country’s epics far and wide.


  • A genuine Rhos Olastra-made Sword.
  • A genuine Rhos Olastra-Made Shield.
  • A genuine Rhos Olastra-Made Harp.
  • 1D3 genuine Rhos Olastra-made Epics.

Advanced Skills

3 Poetry
2 Sword Fighting
2 Singing
2 Harp Playing
2 Etiquette

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RPGaDAY 2019: 34 Darskij Dweller

Wherein your humble scribe presents one of thirty character backgrounds for Troika! as part of his RPGaDAY 2019 experience. Find out more about the rules he is using to govern said experience here. You might also want to know that today’s roll is: Evolve (54)

34 Darskij Dweller

When the first calamity struck, the populations of whole cities were driven underground. There, over time – and accelerated by the unusual energies associated with that first disaster – the people became something altogether different what what they had been before. Perfectly adapted to their new environment, they seldom venture into the light of the dying sun. Those who do are themselves different from their hunched and pale cousins.


  • Colored Robes that indicate their clan of origin.
  • 1D6 Assorted Unearthed Treasures which may be traded for surface goods or knowledge with the right person.

Advanced Skills

2 Sneak
2 Burrowing
2 Strength
2 Claw Fighting
1 Tracking
1 Trapping


The hands of Darskij Dwellers have evolved to end in thick, heavy claws that assist them in constructing their burrows and warrens. In addition to allowing the Darskij Dwellers to dig (albeit slowly) through any material less hardy than steel, these claws do damage as a Modest Beast.

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RPGaDAY 2019: 33 Iconoclastic Detective

Wherein your humble scribe presents one of thirty character backgrounds for Troika! as part of his RPGaDAY 2019 experience. Find out more about the rules he is using to govern said experience here. You might also want to know that today’s roll is: Examine (24) [By way of rolling 64 & 6]

33 Iconoclastic Detective

Every police force, government agency, or local constabulary has a few clever detectives whose skills can solve the greatest of crimes. Those individuals naturally develop a sense of superiority that leads them to being quirky, difficult, or downright obnoxious. The rest of their compatriots harbor various attitudes towards them, but even the most generous are inevitably relieved when the detective in question finally encounters the crime they cannot solve. Nobody likes a showoff.


  • A magnifying glass.
  • A Pistolet and 2D6 Plasmic Cores.
  • An Overcoat (counts as Light Armor).

Advanced Skills

4 Investigation
1 Pistolet Fighting
1 Sneak
1 Evaluate
1 Locks
1 Mathmology
1 Tracking

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RPGaDAY 2019: 32 Cataclysmic Amnesiac

Wherein your humble scribe presents one of thirty character backgrounds for Troika! as part of his RPGaDAY 2019 experience. Find out more about the rules he is using to govern said experience here. You might also want to know that today’s roll is: Mystery (26) [By way of rolling 63 & 3]

32 Cataclysmic Amnesiac

The Six Cataclysms affected the world in many different ways. One of them, you are told, is the wholesale eradication of memories from a meaningful if not significant number of individuals. After each cataclysm, people would simply no longer remember who they were or what had transpired in their lives. Some of these victims went mad trying to piece together their pasts from what little they could remember. Others simply shrugged and moved on. You’re one of the latter; though at times you feel a strange compulsion to delve into the void to try to recover some inkling of your previous life.


  • 1D3 Pocket Gods.
  • A nagging sense of deja vu.
  • One tiny memory of your previous life: a phrase said by someone you presume mattered to you; a memory of a smell from your childhood; an unexplained phobia; or something else entirely.

Advanced Skills

1 Climb
1 Etiquette or 1 Streetwise
1 Fist Fighting
1 Run
1 Strength


The freedom that comes with having no identifiable past has left your brain something like a sponge crossed with a sieve. You may choose 5 points worth of skills, languages, or spells that you have picked up recently. However, if you ever suffer a Mighty Blow in combat, these things are shaken from your brain and you are left with only the Advanced Skills detailed above for the rest of the session. At the start of the next session you may select 5 points of skills, languages, or spells anew, though none of these may overlap with the 5 points you lost previously.

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RPGaDAY 2019: 31 Antieri Wildlands Guide

Wherein your humble scribe presents one of thirty character backgrounds for Troika! as part of his RPGaDAY 2019 experience. Find out more about the rules he is using to govern said experience here. You might also want to know that today’s roll is: Guide (31) (yes, I actually rolled 31 for 31, and yes, I’m taking this one literally)

31 Antieri Wildlands Guide

Though the vast and nearly unpopulated middle of Antieri is officially dubbed The Wildlands by the Guild of Cartomancers, most people simply refer to it as “that blasted hellscape.” And they have good reason. Much of the interior of the continent is beyond what any normal person means when they call something desolate. Burning deserts, frozen peaks, poisoned waters, radioactive wastes, hideous beasts, and deranged cultists all stand between anyone seeking to travel by land from Vinx to Ismah Zakraab. So why would they travel by land? That’s not your problem. You just have to get them to their destination alive.


  • An Axe.
  • A Bow.
  • Some Camping Gear.
  • Knowledge of 2D6 Oases & Shortcuts that may or may not apply to any given trip.

Advanced Skills

2 Bow Fighting
2 Orienteering
1 Axe Fighting
1 Awareness
1 Climb
1 Secret Signs – Wildlands Guides
1 Survival
1 Swim
1 Tracking
1 Trapping

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RPGaDAY 2019: 26 Vidhu Saatna Warrior

Wherein your humble scribe presents one of thirty character backgrounds for Troika! as part of his RPGaDAY 2019 experience. Find out more about the rules he is using to govern said experience here. You might also want to know that today’s roll is: Critical (22)

26 Vidhu Saatna Warrior

Sometimes a single dedicated warrior is the key to the success of a battle. You have trained long, difficult hours and studied the writings of the wise to master the arts of combat. Now, from the remote fortress of Vidhu Saatna you have entered the wider world to make your mark. Do so with honor.


  • Sword or Axe.
  • Bow or Crossbow.
  • Light Armor.
  • A copy of the Prandha Dhatru the sacred Vidhu Saatna Manual of Warfare

Advanced Skills

2 Sword Fighting or 2 Axe Fighting
1 Bow Fighting or 1 Crossbow Fighting
1 Fist Fighting or 1 Wrestling
1 Run
1 Climb
1 Acrobatics
1 Healing
1 Strength


In advance of any combat for which you can specifically prepare, you may declare that you are reading your copy of the Prandha Dhatru for insights that will aid you. Test your Luck to uncover such wisdom. If you succeed:

You may keep this information to yourself and receive either (a) +1 to all of your combat & damage rolls this combat or (b) the option to declare a single combat roll in this battle to be a Mighty Blow. In either case, you cannot use Luck in this combat. The Prandha Dhatru teaches both consistent success and sudden victory; in both approaches it shuns random chance.

Alternatively, you may share this information with an ally and they will receive a +3 to a single combat roll or damage roll of their choosing in this combat. Those who have not dedicated their lives to studying the Prandha Dhatru cannot hope to use the wisdom of the Sacred Manual fully.

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RPGaDAY 2019: 25 Sorcerer Of Masks

Wherein your humble scribe presents one of thirty character backgrounds for Troika! as part of his RPGaDAY 2019 experience. Find out more about the rules he is using to govern said experience here. You might also want to know that today’s roll is: Mystery (26) [By way of rolling 61]

25 Sorcerer Of Masks

Everyone hides behind a mask or two; you just do it literally. Sure, you have found that concealing your identity can be handy. But you have also unlocked the secrets of masks as they apply to altering reality with magic. Between these masks and your penchant for disguising your own appearance, you can no longer recognize yourself in a mirror or photograph.


  • 1D2 Masks, each of which provides a bonus of +1 to one of your random spells. Only the topmost mask provides a benefit.
  • Disguise Kit.
  • A Photograph of Your True Face. At least you think it’s your true face.

Advanced Skills

2 Disguise
2 Spell – Illusion
1 Awareness
1 Mask-Making
1 Spell – True Seeing
1 Spell – Mirror Selves
1 Spell – Random
1 Spell – Random


For a cost of D66 golden coins’ worth of materials and 1 permanent Luck point you may attempt to create a new mask that will provide a +1 to a spell you know. To successfully create the mask you must (1) successfully pass a Mask-Making test and (2) Test your Luck (at its new level after the sacrifice). If you succeed you have a new mask. If you fail the Mask-Making test, you are out the costs. If you fail in Testing your Luck, you cannot work the intended spell for 2D6 days.

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