Category Archives: Worlds of Wonder

Vintage Magic World: The Last Hope of Vilorre-Adinel

Wherein your humble scribe presents a batch of pregenerated characters for the Worlds of Wonder version of Magic World.

The Alabaster Plague has come to Vilorre-Adinel and only a precious few individuals have remained unaffected. Some must stay and tend to the sick. Others, though, have been called upon to journey to the nearby Abbey of St. Rixende to seek assistance in the form of the honey from the Abbess’ sacred bees. The honey, it is said, can cure even the this terrible disease. Rumors that the Abbey has recently fallen to a savage wolfqueen cast a pall upon this quest. Still, brave souls will venture forth in the hopes of saving their home. Mercadier, captain of the guard. Ameline, the new recruit. Jourdain and Petrona, the wastrel children of the Mayor’s brother. Abelard the tinker. Mathena the wool merchant. Guarnier, the hermit who speaks to the winds. Brunissende, the witch of the wood. Among these citizens will be found the last hope of Vilorre-Adinel.

Mercadier (Warrior) 227 Crowns
STR 14 CON 9 SIZ 13 INT 13 POW 11 DEX 12 APP 9 HP 9 DB none
Weapons: Battle Axe 65% (1d8+2), Crossbow 60% (2d6+2) Shield 60%
Armor: Ring Mail (4), Leather (2), Shield (12)
Skills: Climb 55%, Cut Purse 5%, Fine Manipulation 5%, First Aid 45%, Hide 55%, Jump 60%, Linguist 00%, Listen 45%, Literacy 00%, Lore 00%, Mechanical Arts 00%, Mercantile Arts 00%, Move Quietly 25%, Philosophy 00%, Ride 60%, Spot Hidden 30%, Swim 20%, Throw 45%

Ameline (Warrior) 224 Crowns
STR 15 CON 15 SIZ 8 INT 16 POW 13 DEX 9 APP 11 HP 15 DB +1d6
Weapons: Sword 65% (1d8+1), Bow 65% (1d6+1), Shield 65%
Armor: Ring Mail (4), Leather (2), Shield (12)
Skills: Climb 55%, Cut Purse 5%, Fine Manipulation 5%, First Aid 45%, Hide 55%, Jump 65%, Linguist 00%, Listen 45%, Literacy 00%, Lore 00%, Mechanical Arts 00%, Mercantile Arts 00%, Move Quietly 25%, Philosophy 00%, Ride 45%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 20%, Throw 45%

Jourdain (Rogue) 325 Crowns
STR 10 CON 11 SIZ 11 INT 13 POW 11 DEX 14 APP 11 HP 11 DB none
Weapons: Short Sword 60% (1d6+1), Dagger 60% (1d4+1)
Armor: Cuirboilli (3)
Skills: Climb 60%, Cut Purse 70%, Fine Manipulation 70%, First Aid 45%, Hide 60%, Jump 60%, Linguist 00%, Listen 60%, Literacy 00%, Lore 00%, Mechanical Arts 00%, Mercantile Arts 00%, Move Quietly 60%, Philosophy 00%, Ride 25%, Spot Hidden 60%, Swim 20%, Throw 45%

Petrona (Rogue) 385 Crowns
STR 9 CON 12 SIZ 11 INT 15 POW 13 DEX 15 APP 10 HP 12 DB none
Weapons: Short Sword 70% (1d6+1), Dagger 65% (1d4+1)
Armor: Cuirboilli (3)
Skills: Climb 65%, Cut Purse 75%, Fine Manipulation 75%, First Aid 50%, Hide 65%, Jump 65%, Linguist 00%, Listen 65%, Literacy 00%, Lore 00%, Mechanical Arts 00%, Mercantile Arts 00%, Move Quietly 65%, Philosophy 00%, Ride 25%, Spot Hidden 65%, Swim 20%, Throw 45%

Abelard (Sage) 230 Crowns
STR 10 CON 9 SIZ 15 INT 14 POW 15 DEX 18 APP 12 HP 9 DB +1d6
Weapons: Hammer 25% (1d8+2), Shield 25%
Armor: Cuirboilli (3), Shield (12)
Skills: Climb 55%, Cut Purse 5%, Fine Manipulation 00%, First Aid 45%, Hide 55%, Jump 45%, Linguist 45%, Listen 45%, Literacy 70%, Lore 45%, Mechanical Arts 70%, Mercantile Arts 45%, Move Quietly 25%, Philosophy 45%, Ride 25%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 20%, Throw 45%

Mathena (Sage) 400 Crowns
STR 10 CON 9 SIZ 11 INT 16 POW 11 DEX 13 APP 8 HP 9 DB none
Weapons: Mace 35% (1d6+2), Sling 20% (1d8)
Armor: Ring Mail (4)
Skills: Climb 55%, Cut Purse 5%, Fine Manipulation 5%, First Aid 50%, Hide 55%, Jump 45%, Linguist 50%, Listen 45%, Literacy 80%, Lore 55%, Mechanical Arts 50%, Mercantile Arts 80%, Move Quietly 25%, Philosophy 50%, Ride 25%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 20%, Throw 45%

Guarnier (Wizard) 119 Crowns
STR 12 CON 10 SIZ 12 INT 17 POW 14 DEX 14 APP 9 HP 10 DB none
Weapons: Staff 55% (1d8), Dagger 55% (1d4+1), Sword 55% (1d8+1)
Armor: Cuirboilli (3)
Skills: Climb 55%, Cut Purse 5%, Fine Manipulation 5%, First Aid 45%, Hide 55%, Jump 45%, Linguist 00%, Listen 45%, Literacy 50%, Lore 00%, Mechanical Arts 00%, Mercantile Arts 00%, Move Quietly 25%, Philosophy 00%, Ride 25%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 20%, Throw 45%
Spells: Conjure/Dismiss Air Elemental 55%, Enhance/Diminish 55%, Lift 55%, Speak to Mind 55%

Brunissende (Wizard) 80 Crowns
STR 9 CON 9 SIZ 10 INT 16 POW 12 DEX 10 APP 10 HP 9 DB none
Weapons: Staff 50% (1d8), Dagger 50% (1d4+1), Spear 50% (1d6+1)
Armor: Cuirboilli (3)
Skills: Climb 55%, Cut Purse 5%, Fine Manipulation 5%, First Aid 50%, Hide 55%, Jump 45%, Linguist 00%, Listen 45%, Literacy 50%, Lore 00%, Mechanical Arts 00%, Mercantile Arts 00%, Move Quietly 25%, Philosophy 00%, Ride 25%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 20%, Throw 45%
Spells: Heal/Wound 50%, Light/Dark 50%, Seal/Unseal 50%, Vision 50%

Vintage Magic World: Trial By Wilderness

Wherein your humble scribe presents a quartet of adventurers for the vintage version of Magic World (you know, the one that was part of the old Worlds of Wonder boxed set). Why? Because boredom is my enemy. An enemy that can be vanquished only by imagining heroes to vanquish it.

“Hold a moment, gents. Allow old Dasq to catch his breath,” the fat rogue bellowed as the hill turned ever more steep as they ascended. “Carrying all of these wilderness provisions is a bit more than I’m used to.”

“Come now, villain,” the merchant replied, his accent nearly impenetrable to his companions. “You were carrying twice the weight easily when the city guard apprehended you.”

“Yea, b’at were gemsnsilver, wernit?” muttered Wheezing Mohan, the mercenary known in Broken Shield as much for his allergies as for his sword arm.

“True enough, true enough,” Dasq nodded in agreement as he lowered his bulk onto a boulder that seemed to groan beneath the weight. “Though why you all had to get involved in that… situation… I do not know. If you’d all just allowed me to escape we wouldn’t be on this damnable quest in the first place. A curse upon the King’s magistrate!”

The wizard, who had not uttered a syllable since they left the city turned swiftly and hissed, “We got involved in the situation as you put it, my fat friend, because the treasures you were fleeing with were ours. Though I concur with your cursing of the charlatan who claims knowledgeable service of the King. This custom of trial by wilderness is both ineffectual and an affront.”

“Wernall in agreem’t onnat,” replied Mohan. And then he sneezed three times. “Trollas. Three sneezes means trollas, mebims. Besget yarms ready.”

Guy d’Marseinné (Scholar) 120 Crowns
STR 9 CON 12 SIZ 15 INT 13 POW 14 DEX 11 APP 11 HP 12 DB +1d6
Weapons: Short Sword 30% (1d6+1), Dagger 25% (1d4+1)
Armor: Cuirboilli (3)
Skills: Climb 55%, Cut Purse 5%, Fine Manipulation 00%, First Aid 45%, Hide 55%, Jump 45%, Linguist 40%, Listen 45%, Literacy 65%, Lore 40%, Mechanical Arts 40%, Mercantile Arts 65%, Move Quietly 25%, Philosophy 40%, Ride 25%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 20%, Throw 45%

Vale Loer (Wizard) 390 Crowns
STR 10 CON 6 SIZ 12 INT 15 POW 16 DEX 13 APP 10 HP 6 DB none
Weapons: Staff 45%, Dagger 45%, Sword 45%
Skills: Climb 55%, Cut Purse 5%, Fine Manipulation 10%, First Aid 45%, Hide 55%, Jump 45%, Linguist 00%, Listen 45%, Literacy 50%, Lore 00%, Mechanical Arts 00%, Mercantile Arts 00%, Move Quietly 25%, Philosophy 00%, Ride 25%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 20%, Throw 45%, Control 45%, Illusion 45%, Lift 45%, Speak To Mind 45%

Fat Dasq (Rogue) 220 Crowns
STR 5 CON 13 SIZ 18 INT 12 POW 9 DEX 15 APP 13 HP 18 DB none
Weapons: Short Sword 55% (1d6+1), Dagger 55% (1d4+1)
Armor: Cuirboilli (3)
Skills: Climb 55%, Cut Purse 75%, Fine Manipulation 75%, First Aid 45%, Hide 55%, Jump 55%, Linguist 00%, Listen 55%, Literacy 00%, Lore 00%, Mechanical Arts 00%, Mercantile Arts 00%, Move Quietly 55%, Philosophy 00%, Ride 25%, Spot Hidden 55%, Swim 20%, Throw 45%

Wheezing Mohan (Warrior) 105 Crowns
STR 13 CON 9 SIZ 13 INT 14 POW 8 DEX 15 APP 11 HP 9 DB none
Weapons: Broad Sword 70% (1d8+1), Mace 65% (1d6+2), Shield 70%
Armor: Ring Mail (4), Leather (2), Shield (12)
Skills: Climb 55%, Cut Purse 5%, Fine Manipulation 5%, First Aid 45%, Hide 55%, Jump 65%, Linguist 00%, Listen 45%, Literacy 00%, Lore 00%, Mechanical Arts 00%, Mercantile Arts 00%, Move Quietly 25%, Philosophy 00%, Ride 75%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 20%, Throw 45%

Vintage Magic World: Vorskel Lusk’s Big Problem

Vintage Magic World

Wherein your humble scribe presents an adventuring party for the original Magic World (from the Worlds of Wonder boxed set). As I’ve said before, this is BRP at its most basic, stripped down (well, pre-built up, really) and ready to rock.

My name is Vorskel Lusk, and I have a problem. It seems someone has stolen my master’s grimoires and Etzylix Murrsh is in no condition to go after the thieves himself. So it’s up to me to recover the spellbooks before the Arcane Fever that has gripped Etzylix progresses to the point where I have to find an entirely new master to continue my studies. My girlfriend Asha Kal is always game for an adventure, but I’m afraid we’re going to need a little more help to take on the Necromancer Syndicate. Maybe that big guy who works down at the quarry is available? Etzylix owes him some money, I think. And maybe that fast-talking merchant over in the Bazaar could lend a hand? Etzylix was always a good customer of his. Now I just have figure out how to untie these ropes and get out of this mausoleum before that Wraith Bomb goes off…

Vorskel Lusk (Sorcerer) 16 Crowns
STR 12 CON 16 SIZ 11 INT 12 POW 14 DEX 8 APP 10 HP 16 DB none
Weapons: Sword 36% (1d8+1), Staff 36% (1d8), Dagger 36% (1d4+1)
Armor: Leather (2)
Skills: Climb 55%, Cut Purse 5%, Fine Manipulation 5%, First Aid 45%, Hide 55%, Jump 45%, Linguist 00%, Listen 45%, Literacy 50%, Lore 00%, Mechanical Arts 00%, Mercantile Arts 00%, Move Quietly 25%, Philosophy 00%, Ride 25%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 40%, Throw 45%, Invisibility 40%, Illusion 45%, Light/Dark 40%, Blast 40%

Asha Kal (Rogue) 155 Crowns
STR 8 CON 9 SIZ 9 INT 13 POW 9 DEX 18 APP 11 HP 9 DB none
Weapons: Shortsword 65% (1d6+1), 3 Daggers 60% (1d4+1)
Armor: Cuirboilli (3)
Skills: Climb 60%, Cut Purse 90%, Fine Manipulation 90%, First Aid 45%, Hide 60%, Jump 60%, Linguist 00%, Listen 60%, Literacy 00%, Lore 00%, Mechanical Arts 00%, Mercantile Arts 00%, Move Quietly 60%, Philosophy 00%, Ride 25%, Spot Hidden 60%, Swim 90%, Throw 50%

Hradken the Quarryman (Warrior) 68 Crowns
STR 13 CON 12 SIZ 18 INT 13 POW 8 DEX 14 APP 8 HP 12 DB +1d6
Weapons: Hammer 65% (1d8+2), Bow 70% (1d6+1), Shield 65%
Armor: Ring Mail (4), Shield (12)
Skills: Climb 55%, Cut Purse 5%, Fine Manipulation 5%, First Aid 45%, Hide 55%, Jump 65%, Linguist 00%, Listen 45%, Literacy 00%, Lore 00%, Mechanical Arts 00%, Mercantile Arts 00%, Move Quietly 25%, Philosophy 00%, Ride 70%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 70%, Throw 45%

Ayer Deloe (Sage) 262 Crowns
STR 9 CON 12 SIZ 15 INT 17 POW 9 DEX 11 APP 12 HP 12 DB +1d6
Weapons: Mace 30% (1d6+2), Dagger 25% (1d4+1), Shield 30%
Armor: Leather (2), Shield (12)
Skills: Climb 55%, Cut Purse 5%, Fine Manipulation 5%, First Aid 51%, Hide 55%, Jump 45%, Linguist (Barghrun, Kallestine, Ryellic) 51%, Listen 45%, Literacy 85%, Lore 51%, Mechanical Arts 51%, Mercantile Arts 85%, Move Quietly 25%, Philosophy 51%, Ride 25%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 55%, Throw 45%

Future*World Rogues Gallery

Wherein your humble scribe presents an adventuring party for Future*World (which is a lot like Travller, but with a gate system instead of starships), from the Worlds of Wonder boxed set. This is BRP at its most basic, but that just makes it more enjoyable, if you ask me. These four adventurers were created completely by-the-book. If I were to run something using this iteration of the BRP rules I’d definitely want to tweak a few things, but on the whole I think the “original” BRP + Worlds of Wonder is downright awesomely playable as-is.

After a couple of years on the wrong side of the law (and a couple of very nice scores), Shavistine Ryn went straight and wound up serving the Empire well. But now that her tours are over, she’s considering a little backsliding for fun and profit in the Frontier worlds. With her lover Kannix, their bear-like Rumahl bodyguard Burrul, and the aimless ex-military robot Nate Jones along for the ride, who knows what kind of trouble (and profit) she’ll stir up?

Shavistine Ryn, Human
STR 11 CON 14 SIZ 13 INT 16 POW 12 DEX 15 CHA 13 HP 14 DB none Credits 823,000
Service History: Criminal 2 / Civilian 1 / Army 2 / ICE 1
Weapons: Holdout Blaster (2d8), Force Sword (2d10)
Armor: Nylar Armor (9P/4B/5L)
Skills: Jump 35%, Climb 35%, Listen 35%, Spot Hidden 35%, Throw 35%, Brawl 35%, Move Quietly 55%, Hide 55%, First Aid 15%, Trade 30%, Intel/Counterintel 50%, Communications 5%, Computer 5%, Engineering 20%, Gate 20%, Maintenance 5%, Pilot 5%, Robotics 5%, Holdout Blaster 35%, Force Sword 40%

Kannix Dralago, Human
STR 14 CON 13 SIZ 12 INT 14 POW 9 DEX 9 CHA 10 HP 13 DB none Credits 182,000
Service History: Civilian 3 / Science 2 / ICE 1
Weapons: Light Blaster Pistol (1d10+3)
Armor: Nylar Armor (9P/4B/5L)
Skills: Jump 20%, Climb 20%, Listen 20%, Spot Hidden 20%, Throw 20%, Brawl 20%, Move Quietly 25%, Hide 25%, First Aid 10%, Trade 35%, Intel/Counterintel 5%, Communications 35%, Computer 5%, Engineering 5%, Gate 20%, Maintenance 20%, Pilot 5%, Robotics 5%, Laser Pistol 50%, Cooking 15%, Relationsciences 30%, Blaster Pistol 50%, Biosciences 15%

Burrul, Rumahl
STR 18 CON 15 SIZ 14 INT 7 POW 19 DEX 7 CHA 11 HP 15 DB +1d6 Credits 129,000
Weapons: Heavy Blaster Pistol (2d8+3), Heavy Blaster Rifle (2d10+4)
Armor: Chitin Armor (5P/10B/6L) + Natural Hide (3p/1B/1L)
Skills: Jump 45%, Climb 55%, Listen 45%, Spot Hidden 25%, Throw 45%, Brawl 45%, Move Quietly 40%, Hide 60%, First Aid 60%, Trade 35%, Intel/Counterintel 5%, Communications 5%, Computer 5%, Engineering 35%, Gate 20%, Maintenance 5%, Pilot 20%, Robotics 5%, Blaster Pistol 50%, Blaster Rifle 50%

N8-J0N3S, Robot
STR 10 CON 22 SIZ 6 INT 10 POW 9 DEX 23 CHA 13 HP 22 DB none Credits 30,000
Service History: Army 4
Weapons: Heavy Laser Pistol (1d8+2)
Armor: Ceramet Armor (7P/7B/7L)
Skills: Jump 20%, Climb 20%, Listen 20%, Spot Hidden 20%, Throw 20%, Brawl 20%, Move Quietly 25%, Hide 25%, First Aid 10%, Trade 15%, Intel/Counterintel 5%, Communications 5%, Computer 35%, Engineering 5%, Gate 5%, Maintenance 35%, Pilot 5%, Robotics 5%, Laser Pistol 50%

Magic World Rogues Gallery

Wherein your humble scribe presents an adventuring party for Magic World, from the Worlds of Wonder boxed set. This is BRP at its most basic, but that just makes it more enjoyable if you ask me. These four adventurers were created completely by-the-book. If I were to run something using this iteration of the BRP rules I’d definitely want to tweak a few things (like adding in the Dodge skill), but on the whole I think the “original” BRP + Worlds of Wonder is downright awesomely playable as-is.

Setting out from the village of Barnswallow Bend in the Duchy of Thraesborn, this curious group of travelers are headed to the Duke’s palace in Cardoun to ask for assistance in the fight against the raiding armies of Prince Harwyck of Fennais. The journey is long and perilous, as the road to the capital runs straight through both the Troll Hills and the Lost Forrest. But with the strong arm of Dolphinia, the stealthy blade of Shyle, the wits of Velturn, and the arcane power of Ordomox the Flame Wizard, the group has a fighting chance to reach their destination. Whether they can convince the crown to send help, though, is an altogether different matter.

Dolphinia Kinnet, Warrior
STR 15 CON 13 SIZ 10 INT 9 POW 11 DEX 8 CHA l0 HP 13 DB +1d6 Gold 13
Weapons: Battle Axe (1d8+2+db), Broadsword (1d8+1+db), Throwing Axe (1d6+1/2db)
Armor: Ring Mail (4), Shield (12)
Skills: Jump 50%, Climb 55%, Listen 45%, Spot 25%, Stealth 25%, Throw 45%, Brawl 45%, Hide 55%, First Aid 45%, Riding 40%, Swim 20%, Cut Purse 5%, Fine Manipulation 5%, Shield 60%, Battle Axe 60%, Sword 60%

Shyle Gantz, Rogue
STR 11 CON 14 SIZ 9 INT 11 POW 10 DEX 18 CHA l2 HP 14 DB none Gold 192
Weapons: Shortsword (1d6+1), Dagger (1d4+1)
Armor: Cuirboilli (3)
Skills: Jump 65%, Climb 65%, Listen 65%, Spot 65%, Stealth 65%, Throw 45%, Brawl 45%, Hide 65%, First Aid 45%, Riding 25%, Swim 20%, Cut Purse 90%, Fine Manipulation 90%, Short Sword 65%, Dagger 65%

Velturn the Builder, Scholar
STR 13 CON 6 SIZ 12 INT 14 POW 9 DEX 10 CHA 7 HP 6 DB none Gold 74
Weapons: Hammer (1d8+2)
Armor: Leather (2)
Skills: Jump 45%, Climb 55%, Listen 45%, Spot 25%, Stealth 25%, Throw 45%, Brawl 45%, Hide 55%, First Aid 45%, Riding 25%, Swim 20%, Cut Purse 5%, Fine Manipulation 5%, Literacy 70%, Lore 42%, First Aid 45%, Mercantile 42%, Philosophy 42%, Linguist (Barghrun, Kallestine, Ryellic) 42%, Mechanical 70%, Hammer 25%

Ordomox, Sorcerer
STR 5 CON 10 SIZ 6 INT 15 POW 16 DEX 13 CHA 14 HP 10 DB none Gold 66
Weapons: Staff (1d8), Dagger (1d4+1), Shortsword (1d6+1)
Armor: Leather (2)
Skills: Jump 45%, Climb 55%, Listen 45%, Spot 25%, Stealth 25%, Throw 45%, Brawl 45%, Hide 55%, First Aid 45%, Riding 25%, Swim 20%, Cut Purse 5%, Fine Manipulation 5%, Literacy 50%, Shortsword 45%, Staff 45%, Dagger 45%, Blast 45%, Conjure/Dismiss Fire Elemental 45%, Light 45%, Vision 45%