Creepy, Famous Monsters of Filmland, and More!

creepy #13A whole lot of Warren Publishing “not comics” (and therefore not subject to the old CCA Code) are available online at This includes a large run of Creepy, a bunch of Vampirella , a mess o’ Famous Monsters of Filmland, a handful of 1984, and a smattering of other nifty things like their Lord of the Rings special.

A lot of this stuff can serve as inspiration for whatever gaming you’re into these days, and the ads in these are gold. Dig in… if you dare.

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2 thoughts on “Creepy, Famous Monsters of Filmland, and More!

  1. G-Man

    Thanks for tagging this, V.P. Aside from being general fun to read, there’s a ton of creative inspiration for the snagging in these.

    1. the venomous pao Post author

      Glad to share, G-man! There’s just so much stuff (good and bad) in these old things it seemed a waste not to do what little I could to help make people aware of them. And, I’ll be honest, you were the first person I thought of that I was certain would enjoy knowing that these were available. So, really, I did it for you, man! 🙂

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