Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG Open Playtest

Just in case you missed this elsewhere, word on the street is that the open playtest version of Goodman Games’ Dungeon Crawl Classics is slated to be made available on Wednesday this week. I’m mostly certain I’m not all that interested in DCC as a ruleset, but I’m also positive I’ll download it and give it a read.

I’ll also probably try to make it out to Dragon’s Lair here in Austin on Saturday, June 18th for Free RPG Day with an eye towards picking up the DCC RPG Quickstart that’s expected to be part of the available goodies.

So there you have it. I’m a complete pushover for geeky things. Or at least geeky things that dovetail with my own geekview, which the DCC game appears to do conceptually. I just don’t think yet another class-based game is going to resonate with me.

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