A Year Of Strange Stones

Through the magic of WordPress and its ability to schedule posts “in the future” I am able to set this particular note to publish at precisely the same time and date as the very first post on Strange Stones. Crazy, no? Actually, it’s not as crazy as the fact that I made it through a full year of this with only minimal annoying gaps in my geekful posting. Yay me!

Anyway, I’ll spare y’all any deep introspection on this momentous occasion (especially since I went into that sort of thing earlier). I’ll just take a moment to say that, amazingly enough, I don’t think I’m going to just give up and walk away from all this fame and fortune to go live on an island somewhere 🙂

Game on, my internet brothers and sisters. Game on!

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0 thoughts on “A Year Of Strange Stones

  1. Dyson Logos

    Congrats on a year of Strange Stones. I’m slightly more than a month away from my 2 year anniversary of geekiness, we’ll see if I can keep at it too.

    1. the venomous pao Post author

      Thank you muchly, Mr. Logos 🙂 You have been and continue to be one of my top inspirations for keeping on. Here’s an early cheers on your own impending anniversary, amigo.

    1. the venomous pao Post author

      Mille grazie, James! I appreciate your support (and linkage!), amigo. And don’t worry, I’m not looking to throw in the towel anytime soon 🙂

    1. the venomous pao Post author

      Thanks, LK! I’m glad to see you’re looking to get back in the saddle, amigo! I look forward to countless thrills and spills along the way 🙂